Subhash Chandra Bose – A Great & Miraculous Leader

Give me blood and I will give you freedom ( तुम मुझे खून दो मैं तुम्हें आज़ादी दूंगा। )- these energetic and magic words from the mouth of Subhash Chandra Bose had stirred the youth of the country and all

Caste Politics in India – Blot on Democratic Set up

A Short Essay/ Speech/ Article on Caste Politics in India They can make people fool in the name of castes and religions in India. This is what the Indian politicians are doing. Each and every incident related with castes takes

Computer – A Great Invention of Modern Age – An Essay

Role of Computer in Modern Life/ A Great Invention Called Computer – A Short Essay My interaction with you has become possible just because of a computer. Undoubtedly, computers are the one of the most important inventions of today’s life.

The Problem of Rising Prices – Reasons, Solution

Prepare an Essay/Speech on Rise in Prices, Reasons and Solutions Rise in prices has become a permanent problem in India. The last Lok Sabha Election was also contested on this issue and it was one of the big reasons for

Value of Games in Education – A Report, Short Essay

Games are part and parcel of a student’s life. It is an inseparable part of Education System. The main objective of education is to develop the students physically, mentally and morally. It is well said that sound body contains a

Drug Abuse & Addiction – An Essay, A Short Speech

A Short Essay/ Speech on Drug Abuse and Addiction – Reasons and Solution The movie Udta Punjab was in news for showing the state in the title in bad light. Punjab has been shown as state where more and more

Role of Discipline in our life – A Brief Essay

Essay on Value/ Role of Discipline for School/ College Students Discipline or Self-discipline is one of the highest traits of human personality. The concept of discipline is as old as as man’s wish to form a civilized society. In other

Boost your Confidence – Some Tips

I can’t speak before such a big audience ……… Interview – even the mention of this word makes me shudder and perspire ………… What a great speaker Narendra Modi is ! I wish I could have spoken like him …..

Importance of Mobile Phones / Cell Phones – A Short Essay

Importance of Mobile Phones / Cell Phones – A Short Essay – Prepare Essay on Role/Importance of Mobiles / Cell Phones An extra-ordinary invention of modern era, a concept from the fairy tales, mobiles have changed the mode of communication

How to inculcate reading habits among Youngsters ?

Reading makes one a complete universal human being – said RN Tagore. This statement clearly shows the importance of Reading. But unfortunately 25% of the total educated young people take interest in regular reading ( as per National Book Trust

Education and Movies – Students can learn a lot

Prima facie it looks weird and ridiculous that movies can also provide education to the children. But it is the fact that your children can get benefits educationally by watching movies. It is true that a person can receive education

How We Celebrated Diwali in Our School – A Report

The whole of India is celebrating Diwali this time. So it is obvious that there are Cultural Programs in the schools on the occasion of Diwali. So the teachers may ask the students to write a Report on this celebration.

Superstitions in India – Need to curb them

A brief Essay on Superstitions in India – Remedy/ Solutions Indian is a land of diversities with more than 125 crore people and their various faiths residing here. The chief religions are – Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism et al.

Dowry System – A Blot on India’s Face – An Essay

Dowry system is still prevalent in our society. It seems ridiculous as we are claiming to be modern, open-minded people and still surrounded by such evils that defame us and our country in the rest of the world. First of

Drug Addiction – An Abuse to Oneself

A Brief Essay on Drug Addiction – Reasons and Solutions Drug Addiction is a world-wide problem. It can rightly be called the World’s worst evil. It is spreading like cancer. The pages of newspapers are filled with the reports related

Adverse Impact of Internet – A Brief Essay

Everything in this world has two sides – Bright and Dark. Bane comes with boon and vice versa. It depends upon the taker which side he wishes to take. Internet is one of the most wonderful inventions of this modern

Rabindra Nath Tagore – A Great Indian Philosopher & Poet

Rabindra Nath Tagore also known as Gurudeva is amongst the greatest poets of the world. He was a versatile personality. He was a great playwright, teacher and a great musician and social reformer. Mahatma Gandhi had a great respect for

An Essay on Female Foeticide – A Major Problem

Read a brief essay on The Crime of  Female Foeticide in India Female foeticide has become a major problem in India. Killing the girls in the wombs of their mothers has become a common practice in some of the parts

Role of Internet – A brief Essay

A Short essay on Role of Internet Internet has brought radical changes in every aspect of life. It has changed the whole world by squeezing it. All the countries and their inmates have come closer – thanks to internet. Now

An Essay, Article on “The Republic Day of India” for students

Read a brief article or essay on Republic Day of India – अंग्रेजी में गणतंत्र दिवस समारोह निबंध  26th Jan 2025 ( Sunday ) – The Chief Guest will be the President of Indonesia this time. The First Chief Guest of