TS Eliot’s Major Literary Works & Brief Biography

TS Eliot ( Thomas Stearns Eliot ) – 1888 to 1965 TS Eliot was born on 26th of September 1888 at St Louis Missouri America. Eliot’s father’s name was Henry Eliot and mother’s name was Charlotte. The father was a

Sentences related with Traveling in Hindi and English

Here we are providing a few sentences related with journey/ traveling. You can use them at various situations. Learn them and make your language impressive and useful. Sentences we use while travel – हम कल रास्ता भूल गए थे। –

English Sentences related with Shopping

Read some useful sentences related with Shopping ( खरीददारी से सम्बंधित वाक्य  ) English Sentences of Daily Use रेहड़ी वाला ऊँची आवाज़ में चिला रहा है।- The hawker is shouting at the top of his voice. यह किताब धड़ाधड़ बिक

IGNOU Courses in RTI, English Language etc

Check the courses IGNOU provides / New Courses stated by IGNOU If you wanna do courses in RTI ( Right to Information), here is a chance. Indira Gandhi Open University, one of the world’s largest university for the students who

Useful Sentences regarding Marriage and Cinema

We are covering sentences regarding Marriage and Cinema. The first one is inevitable event and the second one, place. So the goers of these places must prepare these sentences if they have to encounter English speaking place or show off.

Learn Sentences concerned with Animals

Here we are targeting those sentences which are linked with activities regarding animals. Theses sentences will be very beneficial for the beginners and small children. These are very common sentences for the junior students. Even these sentences will help the

Use of Good Handwriting for Board Students ( 10th & 12th )

Handwriting is the decoration for the students. Decoration gives the first impression to the paper checkers and others. Good hand, good impression and vice versa. Good hand writing has more use for the students of 10th and 12th classes. It

Fake Universities – Check UGC List before Admission

Results are being shown at the educational websites of the states. So the students are thinking of doing various courses from various universities. These universities offer variety of courses for the students. There are various procedures for taking admission in

Know whether your children are safe or not in schools

Ministry of Human Resources and Women and Child Development Ministry has prepared a safety manual that carries 164 points for children in schools. There has been great increase in the murder and sexual harassment incidents regarding children. That’s why this

Computer Knowledge Paper – 2 for SSC, IBPS Exams

Computer has become an integral part of almost all the competitive exams these days. Therefore it is must to have knowledge Computer. But it is sufficient to have basic knowledge of this subject to clear this Computer Paper. We have