Use of Causative Verbs Get, Make, Have with Examples

Sentences related with Causative verbs are very important in English. Causative Verbs are used in such sentences in which the Subject doesn’t work himself but makes other work. In other words, he causes the others to work. There are three

Rules of Active and Passive Voice with examples

Active and Passive Voice is an integral part of any of the exams, whether you are taking Board Exam, Non-Board Exam or any Competitive Exams held by Staff Selection Commission, IBPS, Railways, FCI and States’ Recruitment Boards. As you know

Use of Reflexive Pronouns with Examples

Reflexive Pronoun is a type of Pronoun. It is used to put stress on the Subject. Reflexive Pronoun is formed by adding Self/ Selves with any Pronoun. Self is used with singular pronoun whereas Selves is used with Plural Pronoun.

Rules of Narration for Competitive Exams like SSC,Banking

How to do narration – Learn Simple Rules Assertive Sentences – Rudra said to Kinjal ,” I will bring you a pen.” Direct Narration /Speech Rudra told Kinjal that he would bring her a pen. Indirect Narration / Speech Rule

Phrases with Definition and Examples

You will read the definitions of the Phrases and types ahead – Phrase is a group of related words used as a single part of speech. It makes sense but not complete sense. It has neither a subject nor a

Concepts Part 4 – Definition, Types and Examples

You will read on this page types and examples of concepts part – 4 along with definition The next point is Obligation and Necessity – These are presented by the following way – Use of Verbs like compel and oblige

Concepts Part 1 – Definition and Examples

You will learn as to how to express different concepts and Ideas : Orders, Requests etc. These concepts may be expressed in different ways. The verbs: order, suggest etc. and modal auxiliaries : can, may, will, shall etc are used

Concepts Part 3 – Definition & Examples

On this page we shall do the rest of definitions and examples of concepts Intention – Intention can be shown from the following way – Use of Verbs like Intend, Plan and Mean We intended to read this book. Use

Concepts Part 2 – Definition and Examples

In this page, we shall read other types of Concepts. This is the part – 02. Concept Part 1 Suggestion – It can be shown with the help of – Let us go there. Shall we write this essay ?

Parts of Speech – Types with Examples

Know about Parts of Speech – Its types/ kinds with examples Parts of Speech ( sentence ) – They are the words divided into various kinds according to their work in a sentence. There are eight parts of speech. They