TS Eliot’s Major Literary Works & Brief Biography

TS Eliot ( Thomas Stearns Eliot ) – 1888 to 1965 TS Eliot was born on 26th of September 1888 at St Louis Missouri America. Eliot’s father’s name was Henry Eliot and mother’s name was Charlotte. The father was a

Matthew Arnold – Life, Literary Works, Famous Quotes

Matthew Arnold is considered a very powerful voice of Victorian Times. He relentlessly exposed Victorian hypocrisy, complacence and indifference. He did not like the notion of Victorian Compromise. His works as a critic, his poetry and his prose-writings breathe a

William Wordsworth – Life and Literary Works

Words Wordsworth – A Great Romantic and Nature Poet  – For a student of English Literature, William Wordsworth is a very big name. We consider him to be one of the greatest poets in the history of English Literature. His

John Keats – Life & Important Literary Works

John Keats was a great English Poet who had carved a special niche for himself in a very short span of life. He was born on 31st of October 195 at Finsbury, London. His father was Thomas Keats and mother,