Read about APJ Kalam – The missile man of India, Important Questions, Quotes, Facts ( Information )
Avjl Pakir Jainulabadeen popularly and lovingly known as A.P.J. Abdul Kalam , the 11th President of India took adieu from this mortal world to march ahead to every human’s final abode on 27th of July 2015.
Though he has left this transient world, he is still alive in every person’s heart due to his childlike simplicity, love for humanity, devotion for his work and feeling for his motherland.

APJ was the perfect standing instance of secularism. He was taciturn by nature but his works were vociferous. Kalam was the perfect image of simplicity and greatness. He had much hope in the youth of the country and therefore didn’t leave any opportunity to interact with them.
Work was worship for him. Interestingly when he kicked the bucket, he was addressing the youth in Meghalaya ( Shillong ). His life will remain a constant source of inspiration for every Indian irrespective of what community he belonged and ideology he possesses.
Some Important Quotes by Sh APJ Abdul Kalam –
You have to dream before your dreams can come true.
To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal.
Great dreams of great dreamers are always transcended.
Past is a Waste Paper
Present is a Newspaper
Future is a Question Paper
So Read and Write carefully,
Otherwise life will be a Tissue Paper.
It is very important to know about some facts related with his life. These facts not only enlighten us with his immaculate life but also motivate us as how to live life with simple living and high thinking.
Some Important Facts regarding his life ( Information in Question / Answer Pattern ) –
Life Span – 15th October 1931 to 27th July 2015
Birth Place – Rameswaram Tamil Nadu
Father and Mother – Jainulabudeen and Ashiamma
Alma Mater – St Joseph’s College, Madras Institute of Technology
Working Places as Scientists – DRDO and ISRO
Nick Name – Missile Man of India, People’s President
In which year did he become the President of India ?
In 2002.
Who was the PM of India when he became the President ?
Sh Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Where was he delivering the lecture when he died ?
At Indian Institute of Management Shillong
He was also rewarded Bharat Ratna Award .
Whom he proceeded as the President of India ?
Sh. R.K Narayan.
Who was his successor ?
Smt Pratibha Patil
Name of Books – Advantage India – From Challenge to Opportunity, A vision of Indian Youth, Wings of Fire , Autobiography, Ignited Minds ……..
Learn more questions of GK From here.
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