Welcome to this webpage to check the Answer Keys and Result-cum-cut off list of the Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority Recruitment Written Exam which may take place in the month of July.
Therefore we advise you to visit the bottom of the page to find links there from where you can see your CRDA Exam Answer keys right now and Result after some time.
AP CRDA which plans Development Work in Capital Region had invited applications for the posts of Assistant Planners, Technical Officers, Deputy Executive Engineers etc from the eligible candidates for the Two Hundred and Ten seats.
The candidates are expected to do the job around Vijayawada. The Applications were on in June and the last date of receiving them was 6th of July. The Selection criteria involved various processes as per the requirement and the no. of the posts received.
As the no of the posts were greater, the written exam took place on 18th and 30th of July. The exam took place successfully. Now the candidates are looking forward to having their Answer keys and Result for CRDA Exam.
CRDA Answer Sheet and Cut Off
First of all the Answer keys shall be out. The candidates can evaluate their exam performance through it. They can have a fairly better idea of the performance they put in the exam.
As for the Result, the candidates need to wait for a bit more days for it. The Answer keys shall be prepared by the experts of various subjects. The examinees can check it by visiting the official website where it shall be available at the website of the concerned dept.
You have just to select your Paper Set and click on it. Then you shall be able to tally your answers from those in the CRDA Answer Sheet.
Link for CRDF Exam Answer Keys and Merit List
Official Website –