Almost all the board results have been declared by the concerned boards. The students have many reasons to smile here – as some may have obtained good marks, others must have cleared the big obstacle of his/her life and so on.

There is the variety in results. Some board has announced 99% or above and the other has been shrunk to 55% or below. But there is one common saga in all of them and that common thing is that girls surpassed the boys in Results.
In many of the board Results, the top slots are clinched by the girls. Why ? What is the reason that the girls are doing better and boys are giving abysmal performance year after year ? The reasons are very simple and crystal clear. If you read them, you will come to know of the secret. Below we have provided three reasons of girls’ dominance in board exams.
3 Reasons why girls outshine boys in board results
1. The first reason is the sincerity :
The girls are sincere by nature. They are quite serious about their families and studies. They know that they have got this beautiful right of getting education after a lot of struggle. That’s why they want to prove themselves. On the other hand, the boys are insincere. They take the things for granted as most of them are spoiled by utter care and love.
2. The girls are more laborious than boys :
The girls are far industrious than boys due to circumstances. They have to stay at home all the day whereas the boys have liberty to go out and loiter around. They spend more and more time doing nothing. The girls have no option but to stay and study at home. Even the girls give a helping hand to their mothers in the household chores.
3. Girls are more practical –
Most of the boys live in dreams, away from reality. On the other hand, girls are down to earth in their actions and thoughts. This practical attitude towards life help them perform better in exams.
In a way, this is a good change. This will certainly change people’s mindset towards the girls. This new trend will stop discrimination against girl and help boost our PM’s ambitious initiative ” Beti Bachao and Beti Padhao.