CBSE 12th Arts/ Commerce/ Science ( Medical/Non-Medical) Streams Result 2023-2024 – All Zones Result may be out very soon – Check Result related Info ( Date/ News) below –
New Information 2024 –
According to our sources, the CBSE may declare the result of 10+2 ( Medical, Non Medical, Commerce and Arts ) on the first week of May. You can see the result at official website i.e. or . We shall update this page with 12th result when it is out.
Update 2022 –
The exam for 10+2 1st Term ( Semester ) had taken place on 1st Dec 2021 ( Wednesday ). The timing was 11:30 am to 01:00 pm. The 1st paper was of Sociology. The result of 10+2 Arts, Commerce, Science 1st term ( semester ) may come very soon at the official site i.e. or

Update 30th of July 2021 –
CBSE has released result of class 12th at c2 PM. You can check your result from here.
Update 26th July 2021 –
Sh. Dharmendra Pradhan says that CBSE will release CBSE 10th and 12th both classes result very soon.
For 2020 – 2021- 2022, the CBSE has been declared the result. Check the Pass Percentage of Girls and Boys-
Girls have outshone the boys, the same every year’s story. Girls secured 88.31 Pass Percentage while their male peers struck at 78.99 %. In the games of marks in India, Meghna Srivastava got the highest niche by securing 499 out of 500 marks.
Result Update 2020-
CBSE has declared 12th result today i.e on 13th July 30 minutes ago. Check 12th result from below.
CBSE- It has given near about 92% result. The official site is not opening. It may open after some time. So, keep visiting.
Update for 10th result for 2018 –
The students may get it on 31st of May. The whole details can be obtained via a link given ahead.
Two Panels to Redress CBSE Evaluation Ambiguity & to ensure Fair Result– CBSE has set up two high levels panels to make sure there are no loopholes in the evaluation work of 12th classes. A huge no of complaints were received by the board regarding evaluation errors.
The first committee shall inquire into the process of evaluation and post-examinations processes besides suggesting remedies to remove discrepancies. On the other hand, the 2nd committee will study, analyze and suggest systematic improvements in the process to ensure error-free evaluation.
27th May Update – Not much wait now. The result shall be out on 27th May 2018 ( Saturday Morning) following the instructions from Delhi High Court. Official Result related websites are available ahead. It will not be available in the CBSE office.
Latest News 24th May 2017 – The millions of 12th students must be feeling dejected when they will have heard that CBSE will announce the 12th result following instructions from High Court. The Hon’ble High Court had given the verdict on the Grace Marks on Tuesday. As a result the board shall adjust the marks of the students which will certainly delay the result.
New Date for Result – The board hasn’t decided any new date for the Sen Secondary Result. But as per our surmise, it shall be out soon. Therefore, we suggest the students to keep in touch with us for the latest information.
Central Board of School Education ( CBSE ) is all set to declare the Result of 10+2 Class with all the streams Science, Commerce and Arts soon i.e. on 24th of May 2017. Around 14.99 lakh students had taken the 12th CBSE Board Exam this time. Last year in 2015, the 12th pass percentage was 87.58% for girls and 77.77 % for boys. Check details below –
As there are thousands of schools under CBSE, there are millions of students of 10th and 12th classes who took board classes every year. The exams are usually take place in the months of March and April.
The results of these classes are declared in the month of May before the Summer Vacation in order to enable the students to take admission to various classes based on the results of these classes.
There are many courses the students can do after 10+2 ranging from medical to engineering, LLB to CA or CS depending upon the stream they have taken and also the score they have got in the Board Exam.
Check CBSE Senior Secondary ( 12th )Result 2021-2022 1st Term ( Semester ) – Latest News
Almost all the other boards have declared the results of 12th classes. These boards include : ICSE, UP, Haryana, Punjab and many others. The results of these boards have been good as in some cases the students have obtained more than 99% marks. So it would be interesting to see how much score the students of CBSE will get in the upcoming result.
The way you can get your CBSE 12th 1st term ( semester ) Output
The students are required to visit the official website of CBSE first of all to check their exam result. Here at the Home Page, they are required to search for the desired link called ” CBSE 12th Result 2021-2022″. Then they have to fill their roll no and date of birth. The result will pop up for them to check and download.
Check your 12th Result from the official website of CBSE ahead –
Official website :
Best of luck for your result.
Latest News about Result 19th May Update – As per officials of CBSE, the Results of Both the classes 10th and 12th shall be declared by the CBSE on time. According to them, the result is scheduled to be announced before 31st of May. Most of the websites related with CBSE Results claim that it may be announced on 26th of May. However, we shall update the post with the latest information regarding your result.
Bon chance ( Good luck ).
Sincerely yours,