Ways to get a teaching job ( Professor/ Asst Professor ) in college/ university
Teaching job ( school level / college level ) has become big dream for the youngsters these days. Huge salaries and interesting job. There is different criteria for ensuring jobs at both levels. There are state boards that have their own criteria for selection, especially at school level. ( Primary/ High/ Higher ). And for selection in colleges, UGC norms are followed strictly. Besides, UGC keeps changing its norms for selecting the candidates.
There are various hurdles, a candidate will have to cross to get this prestigious job. We are mentioning them one by one.
Graduation – ( BA/ B.Com/ B.Sc etc )
First of all, the first and foremost degree is of Graduation.
Post Graduation ( PG ) –
After graduation, the candidate need to do Post Graduation with at least 55 % marks ( for NET/ SLET ).
NET/ SLET / SET – ( Eligibility Tests )
After PG, the candidate will have to clear National Eligibility Test/ State Level Eligibility/ State Eligibility Test held by UGC. In some streams, there are no such tests, however, they are eligible.
PhD Degree for Teaching Jobs in Colleges –
In addition, the candidates must possess a PhD Degree in accordance with the UGC rules ( regulations 2009/ 2016 or changes from time to time )
According to the UGC law – candidates who have got themselves registered for PhD degree prior to 11th July 2009, shall be exempted from NET/ SLET/ SET in the recruitment of Asst Professors.
But if the candidate has both NET clear certificate and PhD degree, he will have double benefit. His/ Her chances are very bright to grab Asst Professor’ Job.
Some Regulations regarding PhD degree for College/ University Asst Professors’ Job –
- The candidate must obtain this degree in regular mode.
- At least two examiners must have evaluated ( checked ) PhD thesis.
- The candidate must have faced the Open Viva Voce ( Oral Test )
- Two research papers published from the PhD work and one must be published in a referred journal.
- At least two presentations in Conference / Seminars related with PhD work.
Note – Experience during the tenure will not be counted.
Read this information ( How to become an Asst Professor in a college ) in Hindi –
PG में 55% अंक होने चाहियें। इसके बाद UGC NET/ STET/ SET टेस्ट पास करना है। जिनके पास PhD की डिग्री है, उन्हें NET/ STET/ SET से छूट है।
Recruitment Test ( Screening Test ) –
When you have all the qualification, the state may conduct Screening Test depending upon the no. of candidates and posts.
Eligibility for the Post of Professor –
Read the following printed information ( Official Website – Source )

For the eligibility of all types of teachers ( Asst Professors/ Associate Professors / Professors/ Principal etc ) use this link