Read a Short Essay/ Article on Mahatma Gandhi’s Birth Anniversary ( Gandhi Jayanti) . The whole of the Nation is celebrating Gandhi Jayanti on 2nd of October to mark Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday. This is a national holiday. Gandhi Ji is an Internationally well-known personality whose existence has been beyond space and time. His contribution to Indian Independence has been tremendous.
Gandhi Ji is popularly known as Bapu by Indians. His importance can be realised from the fact that his photo appears on the Indian currency.

He had given a clear cut message that if there is the strength of masses and if we can be united, we can get freedom without resorting to violence. So his greatest achievement in the Freedom struggle was to unite the people of the country under one umbrella. He created the feeling of nationality among the people who were earlier divided on the basis of languages and regions.
Besides his contribution to the Freedom struggle, his chief contribution has been to social cause in the country. The country was the slave of many evils prevalent in one form or the other form. He was much aware of the uncleanliness and unhygienic ways of living of Indian people.
Gandhi Ji taught them the benefits of living a hygienic life. He requested the people to live neat and clean. He believed in healthy mind, spirit and body. Even for him such things were more important than getting freedom. This time under the leadership of our Hon’ble PM Sh Narendra Modi the whole nation is striving to make the country neat and clean.
Gandhi Jayanti – Short Essay/ Article
A large no of programmes have been launched in the past few months to create awareness among the people about improving habits regarding cleanliness. There has been a lot of effect of such programmes. Now the people are much aware.
But still there is the need to do a lot in this regards. To make environment neat and clean should be the part of our day to day life.
On Gandhi’s birth anniversary various programmes will be held. But there should be the special programmes on Cleanliness. There should be more and more emphasis on motivation and inspiration.
The people must also be told about the consequences of creating mess in the neighborhood and city. The outbreak of dengue is the perfect example of that. Only motivation won’t do.
There should be some rules and regulations to ascertain this. Fear is also must as there are people who know only this language. There should be both motivation and fear to make India neat and clear. We should always remember this slogan “ Swachh Bharat, Swasth Bharat“.