Valuable Tips for RPF Recruitment Exams for Constable/ SI/ ASI/ Inspectors Posts
Railway Protection Force keeps inviting Applications for Various Recruitment such as Inspectors, Constables etc. Indian Railways is very big and its network is one of the largest in the world. Therefore it’s protection is one of the biggest concerns for the govt.
As a result, RPF came in to existence. The agency requires the efficient personnel for the purpose. And in order to shortlist the no of applicants, RPF conducts Written exams.

In this post, we shall take only about the RPF Constables/SIs ( Male and Female) Exams. A large no of aspirants apply for these posts. The educational qualification for filling them remains mostly Matric. So the test is also of 10th Base.
As the no of candidates are many, much practice is needed to clear the test. There is the Written exam for the RPF Female Constable Posts in either September or November.
Besides the hard work/ Practice, the candidates need to adopt the some smart strategy to get through. Here we are providing some tips for cracking RPF Constable Written Exam. We hope that these tips will help you a bit.
Tips to Prepare Constable / SI/ Inspector Exams –
Believe in yourself –
This is the first and foremost thing before initiating any exam preparation. Have full trust in yourself. Think you can. If you think, you can clear the exam, you can. If you don’t, you can’t. Be positive in your attitude and success shall be yours. For the motivation, keep reading something motivational. The following links can be very useful for you –
Have Access to Precise RPF Syllabus for the Concerned Posts –
This is the second step. Some candidates start preparation without planning, even without having access to Syllabus. Go to the official Website and download the Syllabus concerned. Then collect books/ material as per the syllabus. For the whole RPF Constable / SI/ Inspectors Syllabus visit
Division of time –
This is the third stage of preparation. Divide your syllabus and try to finish that on time. For that time division is must. Decide whether you have to prepare all the contents together or separately. If you take all contents altogether that shall be better.
Give time to each and very subject as per the marks division. For example – General Awareness portion in the upcoming Female Constable Exam shall contain 50 questions while other two subjects namely Arithmetic and Reasoning 35-35 each.
So more time must be given to General Awareness Portion. It also depends upon as to which topic causes more trouble to you. Give more time to the subject that is more tricky to you. Most of the examinees face problem in math.
Finish the syllabus as early as possible –
Try to complete your Syllabus at least 45 or 60 days before the exam. It will give you ample time for the Practice. During this time, do mor and more RPF Constable/ SI Practice Sets.
Again you can download them from the official Website. Also do some Mock Tests. Such practice shall exact your exam timing.
Try some Last Years’ Question Papers –
If possible download Previous years’ Question Papers from the RPF Recruitment Related Website. You will get a lot of benefit.
You will come to know of the nature of Questions along with their frequency of being asked in the paper. In this way, you can evaluate your exam preparation.
Solve as many papers as possible. You will come across so many new questions. For this purpose, arrange some OMR sheets and do the papers using them. It shall be very beneficial for you.
Download RPF Female Constable Exam Admit Card and Check Exam Date from here.