See now HSSC ( Haryana Staff Selection Commission ) CET ( Common Eligibility Test ) Answer Key, Result, Cut Off/ Merit List – Useful links for the examinees –
Update Nov 2022-
HSSC may conduct CET exam on Nov 5 and Nov 6. The CET result/ answer key/ cut off will be available at the official website of the commission i.e. – The Haryana govt. had given free bus service to all the examinees of the state. For that, the buses of some schools were giving service. The Haryana State Govt had declared local holiday on 5th of Nov. due to CET.
CET का पेपर 5 व् 6 नवम्बर 2022 को होगा। एक परीक्षार्थी Amit ( From Narwana ) के अनुसार, 5 नवम्बर सुबह का HSSC CET 2022 का पेपर शाम ( 05th Nov. ) की तुलना में थोड़ा कठिन था। ज्यादा अपडेट के लिए इस पेज पर आते रहें।
Haryana government has made it mandatory for Haryana Candidates to grab Group C and D posts to clear CET. This is the eligibility test. It is like to clear( Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test ) to become teacher in Haryana.
According to news, Haryana CET may take place in August 2022.The admit card/ roll no. may be out 10 or 12 days before the written test. The HSSC CET each and every information, you must visit the official website –
HSSC CET 2022 का आयोजन अगस्त में हो सकता है। The admit card/ roll no. 10 से 12 दिनों तक ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध हो सकते हैं। Haryana CET की वैधता 3 वर्ष तक होगी।

Why is there need of Haryana CET answer key ?
Answer – Haryana CET answer key is very important for the examinees to know their rough performance in the exam. Through answer key, they have the idea as to how many marks they may have in the test.
What is the role of CET result/cut off/ merit list for the candidates ?
Answer – Result is very important for the candidates to know their fate. If their names/ roll no. appears in the exam, they become the part of the selection process whatever that is. For the result, the examinees must visit the official website. There they will find the link ” HSSC CET 20… Result.” When you click on this link, you will get the whole list of those who have cleared this test. If your roll no. is there, you are successful.
What is the use of cut off/ merit list ?
Answer – It is very imperative to know cut off. Your roll no. may be in CET list. But it decides the cut off, whether you may become the part of selection criteria. We request you to share your cut off with us so that we may have exact idea where you stand in the merit list.
We shall update this post with HSSC CET Answer Key, Result, Cut Off/ Merit List etc. very soon. Till that time keep coming on this page. For HSSC CET each and every information, you must visit the official website –
Cat | Cut Off |
Gen | 79 |
SC | 70 |
BC | 74 |
EWS | 77 |
The HSSC Cut Off may be different from ours. You can also share CET Cut Off with us via comment box.We wish them good luck for their exam.