KEA PGCET Result-cum-Cut Off and the Final Answer key for the 8th and 9th August of Exam can be viewed quite conveniently at the official website of Karnataka Examination Authority the links of which are made available at the bottom of this page.
So go there to check your Result and Answer keys for Karnataka Post Graduate Common Entrance Test.

The complete Responsibility of holding this PGCET lies on the shoulder of KEA. The test is held for the students who have the desire to get admission to Various Post Graduate Programmes ( M.Tech etc in the state. There is different syllabus for different trades. The syllabus correspondence to the Course and the class on the basis of which the students have to take admission.
After the Exam the Authority has uploaded the PGCET Final Answer keys on 10th of August at its official portal. The candidates can tally their answers from there. For the redress of any of the grievances the candidates, we suggest them to contact KEA on or before 13th of August by 5:00 pm.
You have just to click on the subject you have to check the Answer Keys of. The Answers with solution will appear in the pdf file. You can also check the Model Test Papers and last years’ answer keys.
After checking the final answer keys the whole focus shall be on the PGCET Result. The Result shall not take much time to be out. The Answer keys shall provide you a fairly good idea of your PGCET Performance. But the Exact Report shall come with the Result.
You shall be able to check your Result for PGCET ( KEA ) from the official website below –
After the Result, the cut off will decide as to which college the students will get. So PGCET Cut Off has here to play a vital role.
KEA PGCET Counselling Schedule –
The Schedule for the KEA Counselling will be out later. You will get information about that at the official website. For that you need to frequently visit this website or the official website.
Disclaimer –
The Information provided by us in this article titled KEA 2021-2022-2023 PGCET Result and Answer key is based on our thorough research of the official website content and other related Online Portals. Still there are chances of errors.
So we advise you to confirm the doubtful details from the official website the links of which you can find above.