Today’s PM Modi’s pet programme Mann Ki Baat was something special as he was accompanied by the legends like Sachin Tendulakar, Chess World Champion Vishwanathan Anand, Spiritual Guru Morari Bapu, Famous Scientist Professor CNR Rao.

All of them gave a piece of great advice to the students who are involved in the board exam preparation for the upcoming board exams. All of them shared their views based on their experience and fields. First of all Prime Minister Modi who never misses the opportunity to address the anxious students at time of exams spoke to them.
First of all he admitted that he also has to undergo a litmus test the next day during the General Budget Session. He apprises the students the need of Yoga and Meditation at the time of exam to remove stress. He also told them to take more interest in Science and other related subjects as such subjects are important for invention. They are the important support for the them during this crucial time called exam, said the PM
Sachin Tendulkar asked the students to be positive and set their goals by wishing them good luck for their exams. He expressed his pleasure in joining Mann Ki Baat.
Professor CNR Rao admitted that the exams cause anxiety. The competitive exams cause more. He asked the students not to be worry and do their best.
Morari Bapu advised the students not to have stress on mind. They should also sit in the exam with the sharpness of mind and full concentration.
Vishwanath Anand asked the students to stay calm during the exams.
PM Modi also told the students not to give undue importance to the marks in the exams. He told them to set their target and pursue them with free mind. The students must compete with themselves not with others.
In the end, he appreciated the students, their parents and teachers for sharing their thoughts. He shared experiences on the mobile applications.