These days almost all the Graduates wish to join Govt Sector jobs through SSC or wish to enter Banking sector jobs. There is the growing interest in these sector jobs with the passage of time. But it is also truth that with this growing interest, the competition is also increasing by leaps and bounds.

So in order to face this stiff competition the students need to keep themselves ready with the preparation all the time. There is one thing common in these exams and that is the Syllabus. Most of the written exams for the Recruitment carry the same topics with a little variation. The topics are as follows :-
English, Mathematics, Reasoning, and General Awareness. In some of the exams there is also Computer. Further in English the topics are – Comprehension, Grammar, Vocabulary etc. The vocabulary includes : Synonyms, Antonyms, One Word Substitution, Idioms, Phrases etc. Here in this article, we shall focus on One Word substitution. These words may be very useful for you for the upcoming exams.
Below is given a list of One word substitution or one word for a sentence :
- Fear of Foreigners : Xenophobia
- Fear of dead body : Necrophobia
- One word for Fear of oneself : Auto-phobia
- Fear of home surroundings : Eco-phobia
- Fear of animals : Zoo-phobia
- One Word for Fear of height : Aerophobia
- Wild and noisy disorder : Pandemonium
- One who resists to the end : Die-hard
- One who travels from place to place : Itinerant
- A lover of animals : Philozoic
- One Word Substitution for A person who love arts : Philotechnic
- A person who loves God : Philotheist
- One Word for A lover of dogs : Canaphilist
- A lover of women : Philogynist
- A lover of learning : Philomath
- One word for A lover of art and poetry : Philomuse
- A person who is hopeful in life : Optimist
- A person who is not hopeful in life : Pessimistic
- What do we call A person who has the habit of talking while sleeping ? : Somniloquist
- A person who walks while asleep : somnambulist
- One who is excessively patriotic : Chauvinist
- Govt by the laws of religion : Theocracy
- Govt by a King or Queen : Monarchy
- What do we call the Govt by Gods ? : Thearchy
- Govt by the Rich : Plutocracy
- Govt by a few persons : Oligarchy
- Name the Govt by mob : Mobocracy
- Govt by the worst people : Kekistocracy
- Govt by the novice : Neocracy
- Name the Govt by the Officials : Bureaucracy
- A person who is in 60s – Sexagenarian
- What do we call a person who is in 70s ? – Septuagenarian
- A person who is in 80s – Octogenarian
- One who is in 90s – Nonagenarian
- A person who is 100 years old – Centenarian
Practice Set 2 ( One Word Substitution )
1. What do we call a person who does not care for art and Literature ? – Philistine
2. A boastful person – Swashbuckler
3. A person who can speak many languages – Polyglot / Linguist
4. Those who help others in trouble – Samaritans
5. Habitually drunkard – Sot
6. One who gives his services willingly – Volunteer
7. Absent from duty/class without permission – Truant
8. Person having long experience of any occupation – Veteran
9. Style full of difficult words – Verbose
10. One who is over-conscious about his health/Fear of having a serious illness – Hypochondriac
11. A coward husband / ruled by his wife – Henpecked
12. A person who acts against religion/ faith – Heretic
13. A girl/ woman who is not serious or who flirts with men – Coquette
14. Compulsory enlistment for military forces – Conscription
15. Lasting for a short period – Ephemeral
16. Killing of a sister – Sororicide
17. Killing of children – Filicide
18. Killing of a brother – Fratricide
Prepare One Word Substitution Part 3 from here.
Learn more One Word Substitutions related with Places from here.
Read One Words from the Previous Exams such as SSC/ IBPS
In our next blog we shall provide you some more One Words. Keep visiting. Thank you
How to improve unseen passage
very good site
thankyou very much
Mero ko English improve karne h give me an idea
hlo sir, i am scoring 95 to 105 in my online speed test of cgl which of new pattern am i anywhere close to clear tier 1 of ssc cgl or should i score more to clear tier 1. sir please suggest me.please please
English must be the first place to take care of while preparing for any kind of exams. I think more and more of practice sets should be introduced to improve and work on it.
Yes, we agree with you Anannya. We shall update our all posts regarding English Preparation.
good thought.
Mike English improve krni h give me an idea.
You need to do hard work to improve your English. We have written a no of articles that may help you in getting good confidence in English. So enjoy reading them.