Rajasthan Entrance Exam for Teachers ( REET) is a constant test in Rajasthan. The Rajasthan Secondary Board of Education conducts this test every year. 2019 Schedule is still to arrive. Whenever it reaches, we shall update it. The candidates can check REET 2019-2020 Exam Date and Admit Card from here.
This test is must for all the candidates who aspire to teach at Jr Primary Level and Sr Primary Level classes. In the Selection Procedure in the state, REET score matters a lot. Besides the REET Marks, 10% marks from 10th and 12th classes are taken in to consideration.
We have provided detailed syllabus/ exam pattern for the aspirants in both Hindi and English Medium. We shall also update the post later if there is some notification from the concerned board regarding Syllabus/ Pattern of REET.
Besides we have provided Exam related material and Practice Sets which may be quite helpful in REET 2017.
REET Pattern for Paper 1 and Paper 2
There shall be the Separate Exams for Paper 1 and Paper 2. The Contents for Paper 1 ( For Class I to V) are – Child Development and Pedagogy, Environment Studies, Hindi, English and Other optional languages, Language II Hindi, Language II English and other languages ( Optional).
Maths – For the candidates who have decided to teach maths up to 5.
Now check contents for Paper II ( Class VI to VIII) – Child Development and Pedagogy, Hindi, English, and other Languages ( Optional), Language II, Hindi, English and other optional languages.
Maths and Science ( for those candidates who wish to become teachers of the said subjects)
REET 2019-2020 Syllabus/ Exam Pattern / Sample Papers
Social Studies ( for those who wish to become teachers in SS )
Paper 1 and Paper 2 shall be of 150 Questions/ 150 Marks each. The part one of each paper shall be of 90 Marks and the paper of specific subject of 60 Marks.
Download Child Pedagogy Practice Papers from here
Now Check the detailed Syllabus for REET Primary Level –
Child Development
- Role of Heredity and Environment
- Meaning and Concept of Learning and its processes. Factors affecting learning
- Theories of Learning and its Implications
- Motivation and Implication of Learning
- Individual Differences
- Personality
- Intelligence
- Understanding Diverse Learners
- Learning Difficulties
- Adjustment
- Teaching Learning Process, Strategies, Methods
- Meaning and Purposes of Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation.
- Action Research and
- Right to Education Act 2009
Child Development and Psychology Syllabus for 6th to 8th Standard

Contents ( Syllabus ) of Rajasthan REET English –
Unseen Prose Passage to check the knowledge of Synonyms, Antonyms, Spellings, Word- Formation, One Word Substitution, Parts of Speech, Tenses, Determiners, Change of Degrees
Read complete grammar from here.
Framing Questions with W-H Family, Active and Passive Voice, Knowledge of English Sounds/ Phonetics
Principles of Teaching English, Methods and Approaches to ELT
CCE, Evaluating Language Proficiency
The same English Syllabus shall be of REET Level 2 Exam
REET Hindi Syllabus/ Exam Pattern for 1 to 5
Note – REET Hindi for 6th to 8th Class shall have almost same contents
Syllabus for Environment Studies for 1 to 5 class ( for those who wish to teach this subject )