Active and Passive Voice is an integral part of any of the exams, whether you are taking Board Exam, Non-Board Exam or any Competitive Exams held by Staff Selection Commission, IBPS, Railways, FCI and States’ Recruitment Boards.
As you know is trying to cover all Grammar Topics, Question Papers of all Exams, Preparation Tips et al, we shall cover this very significant topic in this post. So get ready to learn Active and Passive Voice with the help of examples.

Definition of Voice –
A form of verb that tells us whether the action is done by subject itself or it faces the result of action done by others. Sometime Action is done by the Subject directly and other times indirectly.
He takes tea. ( The action of taking tea is being done by the subject” He” directly).
Tea is taken by him. ( The action of taking tea is being done by the same subject indirectly ).
There two types of voice – Active and Passive.
In Active Voice, the verb agrees the subject. It means the subject is active.
In Passive Voice, the verb agrees the object. It means the subject is passive.
Some Common Rules for Active and Passive Voice –
- Subject is changed in to Passive Voice and vice versa.
- Pronouns get changed when they change their positions in the following way –
I ↔ Me We ↔ Us You ↔ You He ↔ Him She ↔ Her It ↔ It They ↔ Them |
- Only verb III is used in Passive Constructions.
Active and Passive Voice Related with Tense –
- Active Voice – Sub + V1+ s/es + Obj .
- Passive Voice – Obj + is/am/are/ V3+ by + Sub.
Examples –
She helps the poor.
The poor are helped by her.
Past Indefinite Tense –
- Active Voice – Sub + V2 + Obj .
- Passive Voice – Obj + was/were + V3+ by + Sub.
Examples –
They played football in the evening.
Football was played by them in the evening.
Future Indefinite –
- Active Voice – Sub + will/shall + V1 + Obj .
- Passive Voice – Obj + will/shall + be + V3+ by + Sub.
Examples –
We will take lunch now.
Lunch shall be taken by us now.
- Active Voice – Sub + is/am/are + V1+ ing + Obj .
- Passive Voice – Obj + is/am/are + being + V3+ by + Sub.
Examples –
She is singing a beautiful song this time.
A beautiful song is being sung by her this time.
Voice of Past Continuous Tense –
- Active Voice – Sub + was/were + V1+ ing + Obj .
- Passive Voice – Obj + was/were + being + V3+ by + Sub.
Examples –
The teacher was reading newspaper.
Newspaper was being read by the teacher.
Future Continuous ( Active and Passive Voice ) –
- Active Voice – Sub + will/shall + be + V1+ ing + Obj .
- Passive Voice – Obj + will/shall + be + being + V3+ by + Sub.
Examples –
They will be playing chess this time.
Chess will be being played by them this time.
- Active Voice – Sub + has/have + V3 + Obj .
- Passive Voice – Obj + has/have + been + V3+ by + Sub.
Examples –
Children have taken their breakfast.
The breakfast has been taken by children.
Past Perfect –
- Active Voice – Sub + had + V3 + Obj .
- Passive Voice – Obj + had + been + V3+ by + Sub.
Examples –
I had written a poem.
A poem had been written by me.
Future Perfect –
- Active Voice – Sub + will/shall+ have + V3 + Obj .
- Passive Voice – Obj + will/shall+have + been + V3+ by + Sub.
Examples –
She will have completed her home work.
The home work will have been completed by her.
- Active Voice – Sub + has/have + been + V1 + ing + Obj + since/for +time .
- Passive Voice – Obj + has/have + been + being + V3+ by + Sub + since+for +time.
Examples –
Rudra has been watching TV since Morning.
TV has been being watched by Rudra since morning.
Past Perfect Continuous –
- Active Voice – Sub + had + been + V1 + ing + Obj + since/for +time .
- Passive Voice – Obj + had + been + being + V3+ by + Sub + since+for +time.
Examples –
She had been cooking food for two hours.
Food had been being cooked by her for two hours.
Future Perfect Continuous – Learn Active and Passive Voice
- Active Voice – Sub + will/ shall+ have + been + V1 + ing + Obj + since/for +time .
- Passive Voice – Obj + will/shall + have + been + being + V3+ by + Sub + since+for +time.
They will have been writing a novel for two months.
A novel will have been being written by them for two months.
Rule No 2 – Voice Related with Modals –
- Active Voice – Sub + any Modal + V 1 + Obj.
- Passive Voice – Obj + same Modal + be + V 3 + by + sub.
Examples –
Rudra can speak English.
English can be spoken by Rudra.
You need not read this book.
The book need not be read by you.
Rule No 3 – Sentences with W-H Families ( Interrogative Sentences ) –
- Active Voice – What are you doing here ?
- Passive Voice – What is being done by you here ?
Rules of changing some Interrogative Pronouns –
Who is changed in to By whom
Whom in to Who
How many in to By how many
In some cases What into By what.
Rest of the Interrogative Pronouns remain unchanged.
Some more examples of Active and Passive Voice –
How many people attended the party ?
By how many people was the party attended ?
What brings you here?
By what are you brought here ?
Rule No – 4
Structure –
- It is time to + v1+ obj. – Active Voice
- It is time for obj + to + be + v3. – Passive Voice
It is time to tale tea.
It is time for tea to be taken.
Now Check your Preparation from the sentences below –
a. How does she tell a lie ?
b. Don’t wear my shirt.
c. Do it immediately.
d. She bade me go.
e. Let us rest here.
Answers –
a. How is a lie told by her ?
b.You are forbidden to wear my shirt.
c. Let it be done immediately.
d. I was bidden to go.
e. It is suggested that we should rest here.
Practice Set – 1 of Active and Passive Voice
i have a question please help me
He wrote a story and got published change into passive voice
A story was written and got published by him.
A story is written by him.
I will not help you.
You was not helped me
It’s mind blowing, outstanding explanation
Super its very really to understand and i have doubt in direct and indirect speech
Very educative thank you very much for your relentless effort and because of this I have solve a whole assignment.
Thank you very very very much
Thank you very very very much
This help me a lot . I am very thankful to u .
Thank you so much ☺️☺️
Too goooood I have no word to say anything
She helps the poor
The poor are helped by her. is it correct? and how?
Yes, it is correct. May be you are asking about the helping verb ‘ are ‘. The reason is that the phrase ‘ the poor’ is plural.
thanks for giving a helpfull voice chart
Change into every tense plz…… … I draw the picture
The picture is drawn by me.
Very good. ……a lot of thanks. ….
After reading this post only one words comes out from my mouth that is “WoW”. This post has helps me to acquire some new knowledge. So thanks for sharing your valuable ideas with us.
To use full for student
usa is making tea change active voice to passive voice bataye
Tea is made by usha
The tea is bieng made by USA.
Please correct the sentence to – Tea is being made in the USA.
Thanks for help with grammer
Thankuuuuuu so much
Its really helpful….hopes more grammar
It is very useful to our study
It is a really helpful post. Thanks for such a useful post.
it is very useful and thanks a lot
it’s a really helpful thanks a lot
Very useful
Thank You…!!!
It is very useful
But in this they even gave for present perfect continuous, past perfect continuous, future continuous, future perfect continuous.actually these don’t have passive voice
In some rare books for English Grammar, this rule is given.
Its very usefull nd interesting.. .
Wow benificial website
It is very nice and helpful and its all rule surely write
It is good if the definition given of 3rd&4th
Rule of active & passive voice
It’s very useful …..All must try it
g00d yaar.haelpfull i request others to take support of it if u want love u!
It’s very helpful
Yes it is very very helpful,thank you very much
Very useful
Valuable materials and resources
It is very useful
It’s very usefull