How to do narration – Learn Simple Rules
Assertive Sentences –
- Rudra said to Kinjal ,” I will bring you a pen.” Direct Narration /Speech
- Rudra told Kinjal that he would bring her a pen. Indirect Narration / Speech
Rule No. 1 –
- say to shall be changed into tell
- says to into tells
- said to into told
- will/shall say to into will/shall tell
- Say/ Says/Said will remain same.
Rule No. 2 –
Inverted Commas into that
Rule No 3 –
Use the rule SON/123 to change the Persons –
- S stands for Subject
- O for Object
- N for No change
Subject shall be changed as per the 1st Person, Object as per the 2nd Person and 3rd Remains unchanged.
See the table to check the rules of changing Tense.

Interrogative Narration for Competitive Exams :
There are two types of Interrogative narration –
Simple Interrogative and Interrogative with W-H Family.
Example of Simple Interrogative :
He said to me ” Are you mad ?”
Example of W-H Interrogative Sentence :
He said to me ” Why are you late ?”
Now how to change the direct narration of Interrogative sentences in to Indirect narration :
First of all we shall change the narration of Simple Interrogative sentence :
First of all we will change the the reported verb as follows –
- Said to into asked
- Say to – ask
- Says to – asks etc.
- Inverted commas are converted into if or whether
- Subject will be followed by the verb now.
- Change the persons as per the rule.
- In the end use the full stop instead of Mark of Interrogation.
example : He asked me if I was mad.
There is a bit of change in the Interrogative with W-H family.Here instead of replacing inverted commas with if or whether, you will use the word of W-H family.
e.g He asked me why I was late.
Change the Narration of the following sentences
- He said to me ” Do you know where he lives ?”
- I said to him ” Where were you going yesterday ?”
- Ram said to Suresh ” Why did you come late ?”
- They said to me ” Is there any rule for it ?”
- She asked me ” What is your name ?”
- She says,” I am not going there.”
- I said,” You are not a good friend.”
Solution :
1. He asked me if I knew where he lived.
2. I asked him where he had been going the previous day.
3. Ram asked Suresh why he had come late.
4. They asked me if there was any rule for that.
5. She asked me what my name was.
6. She says that she is not going there.
7. I said that you were not a good friend.
Narration with Exclamatory Sentences
Narration of Imperative Sentences
Practice Set 2 for Reported Speech
Practice Set -1 For Narration – Sentences with Solution
In our next post we shall come up with new topic of grammar.
Some more topic of Grammar –
The New York Times said, ” We are trying our best to inform you.”
The New York Times said that they are trying their best to inform it.
The New York Times said, they had been trying their best to inform us.
Niti has told me that she had just read my message
Niti has said to me, “I have just read your message. ” Change in indirect speech
Niti has told me that he has just read his message.
niti told me that she had read my message
Niti has told me that she had just read message.
He said he will scold
Give me ans. Pls
He said he would scold.
He said that he would scold.
It is very helpful thank u keep supporting us .
It was really help full
Yeah !very helpful
sir i have got 84.40 percentage in 10 th class 2019 plz sir tell me scholarship form started date i am belong to sc category
abdul said to ram “i wish you good luck”
Abdul wished Ram good luck.
Abdul told ram that he wished him a good luck
Abdul said to Ram, ” Good luck.”
Abdul told Ram that he wished him good luck.
thanks for rules up loader person
thanks for upload rules!
i learn a very simple sentence so i is very proud.
Oh it’s good but I want to pee as soon as possible it’s urgent
Thank you
Thank You
thank u for that
He said”Don’t go there”
He forbade going there. And if you assume the object then – He forbade me to go there.
He said to me,”Have you had your meal?”.
He asked me if I had had my meal.
He asked me if I had my meal.
He said to Rajesh,”brother,you will not cheat me” change into indirect
He called Rajesh his brother and told him with conviction that he would not cheat him.
It’s very helpful to learn English for all the generation.thank you…….