Details and links about Staff Selection Commission Result-cum- Answer key for Junior Hindi Translator Written Exam Paper 1 – SSC Jr Hindi Translator Cut Off 2021-2022-2023

SSC will reveal the Result for the Jr Hindi Translator Written Exam that was held on 27th of Sept 2015 in the coming days. The Answer keys for the same exam shall also be available within two or three days. The exam was of the National Level with thousands of Translator Degree Holders participated in it.
There is a great demand of Translators of all the languages in various departments. Therefore such recruitments are very common. For the Translator Jobs the candidates must be bilingual means he/she must have knowledge of two languages.
For the Jr Hindi Translator Posts the candidates must possess the knowledge of Hindi and English. Therefore in the Exam for Jr Translator the test was of Hindi Language and English Language.
Check SSC JR Hindi Translator Exam Pattern –
The Jr Translator Paper 1 was Objective Type in Nature. There were two chief Gradients for the exam viz Hindi and English. Both the subjects had equal marks i.e. 100 Marks each. The examinees had to finish the paper in 2 hrs time.
There was also the provision for negative marking. There were questions regarding Grammar and Vocab chiefly. The vocab was a bit of tough especially the phrases and Idioms. on the whole those who had done a bit of preparation can clear this test quite easily.
SSC Junior Hindi Translator Paper 2
The candidates who would be successfully clear this first hurdle of Jr Hindi Translator Prelim Exam may take 2nd Paper. The Paper 2 shall be descriptive unlike the first paper. It will be of 200 marks. The students must have good competence of both the languages to show good performance.
As we have mentioned above the Result and Answer keys shall be available very soon at the official website, the candidates need to wait with a bit of patience. But it is also imperative for them to visit this page at least once a day.
The pdf file of SSC Jr Hindi Translator 2021-2022-2023 Answer key and Result shall be available at the official link – ( This link shall be active after sometime)