Telephonic conversation is an integral part of Speaking in the modern world. It requires a lot of practice to be confident while undergoing conversation on telephone/ mobile. There are two things which are very important while talking on telephone.

First is the listening with understanding and second is the reaction ( replying or speaking). So the practice of both the things are required. For that ask your friend to undergo some Telephonic Conversation in English with you and give a lot of practice to that.
Read from here – How to do Telephonic Conversation ?
There can be any of the situations for Telephonic Conversation. Talking to a doctor about some disease or a friend discussing evening programme and so on. Practice one such from below-
This is the telephonic conversation between two friends. Check it.
Telephonic Conversation – Discussing Evening Programme ( Seeing a movie )
John – Hello.
Sophia – Hello.
John – Is this Sophia ?
Sophia – Yeah, speaking. Who is speaking please ?
John – This is John. Didn’t recognize ?
Sophia – Oh John. How are you?
John – Fine. Can I speak to Tom ?
Sophia – Yes, just a minute. Hold on, please.
Tom- Hi John, Tom here.
John – Hi Tom, what’s up?
Tom – Nothing special, just getting bored. Sitting at home, doing nothing.
John – So what about going to a movie?
Tom – Not a bad idea. Which movie ?
John – There is a new movie at Multiplex. I’ve read reviews of that movie also. It’s worth seeing.
Tom – OK. I’d love to see that. But what about the tickets ?
John – Don’t worry about the tickets. I’ll arrange them for the evening show.
Tom – That’s great. When should we meet then?
John – Outside the Multiplex at 4 O’clock sharp.
Tom – Sure, I’ll reach there on time.
John – See you then, bye.
Tom – Bye
So this is a model telephonic conversation. It will certainly provide you a bit of idea as how to handle such situation. You can make a bit of change in this script as for the requirement for practice.
M Nagaraja naik s/o Mallesh naik
Kalvi Thada