TS Eliot ( Thomas Stearns Eliot ) – 1888 to 1965

TS Eliot was born on 26th of September 1888 at St Louis Missouri America. Eliot’s father’s name was Henry Eliot and mother’s name was Charlotte. The father was a businessman. Eliot’s mother was a social worker and writer.
Eliot attended a day school in St Louis until 1905. Then he took admission to a boarding school. For higher studies, he got admission to Harvard University. There he studied English Literature. Besides, he studied French, German, the Classics and also comparative Literature.
Eliot cultivated great love for literature. His friends were great men of letters. Some of them were – Clive Bell, Leonard Woolf, Virginia Woolf, EM Forster, D.H Lawrence and others. Eliot was influenced by Ezra Pound, William Shakespeare, WB Yeats etc.
He breathed his last on Jan 4, 1965 at Kensington, London. Check some of the major works below. These works of Eliot will certainly be helpful in the upcoming NET English Paper and PGT English Recruitment Exams. In addition to that, TS Eliot is valuable for the students who love to increase their knowledge in literature.
T.S Eliot’s Major Works for NET Exams/ the students of Literature
The principal works of Eliot are given below –
Poetical works –
1. Prufrock and Other Observation ( 1917 )
2. Ara Vos Pree ( 1919)
3. The Waste Land ( 1922)
4. Collected Poems ( 1909-1935, 1936)
5. The Hollow Men ( 1935 )
6. The Journey of the Magi ( 1927)
7. A Song of Simeon ( 1928)
8. Animula ( 1928)
9. Marine ( 1930)
10. Ash Wednesday ( 1930)
11. Four Quartets ( 1944)
12. The Cultivation of Christmas Tree ( 1954)
13. Edited Selected Poems of Ezra Pound ( 1928) ; Revised Edition ( 1949)
TS Eliot’s Poetical Plays –
1. Sweeney Agonist ( 1932)
2. The Rock ( 1934)
3. Murder in the Cathedral ( 1935)
4. The Family Reunion ( 1939)
5. The Cocktail Party ( 1950)
6. The Confidential Clerk ( 1954)
7. The Elder Statesman ( 1959)
Selected Prose and Criticism Works of TS Eliot –
1. The Sacred Wood ( 1921)
2. The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism ( 1933)
3. After Strange Gods ( 1934)
4. Elizabethan Essays ( 1934)
5. The Idea of a Christian Society ( 1931)
6. Notes Towards the Definition of Culture ( 1948)
7. Poetry and Drama ( 1951)
8. The Three Voices of Poetry ( 1953)
9. The Literature of Politics ( 1955)
10. On Poetry and Poets ( 1957)
Q. Which literary movement TS Eliot had started ?
Answer – Modernism
Q. Which notable awards did Eliot receive ?
Answer – In Literature on 1948, Order of Merit 1948