The sentences related with W-H family are very important not only in speaking but in writing as well. Students practicing translation must know about their usage.
This Translation Practice Set shall enable you to use such sentences with ease. In the Practice Set, you will find sentences in Hindi. We shall provide you the translation after the Exercise.
- Translation Practice Set related with Tenses
- Translation Practice set for Modals
- Conjunctions related Translations
- Video of Tenses related with W-H family
What/Where/Why/Which/ Who/Whom/How Related Translation from Hindi to English
1. वह क्यों रो रही है ?
2. उसने झूठ क्यों बोला ?
3. तुम किधर जा रहे हो ?
4. तुम्हारा भाई किस शहर में रहता है ?
5. उसनें क्या अपराध किया है ?
6. बच्चे स्कूल कैसे जातें हैं ?
7. उसका अपमान किसने किया है ?
8. पार्टी में कितनें लोग आये थे ?
9. तुम्हारे स्कूल का प्रिंसिपल कौन है ?
10. तुम्हारे पास कितने पैसे हैं ?
11. तुम्हारी कक्षा में कितने विद्यार्थी हैं ?
12. यह सड़क कहाँ जाती है ?
13. तुमने अपनें बारे में क्यों छिपाया ?
14. आपका किस बैंक में खाता है ?
15. उसे विश्वास दिलवानें के ले क्या करूं ?
16. तुमने यह फिल्म कितनी बार देखी है ?
17. आपका जन्म दिन किस महीने में आता है ?
18. तुम रात को कब सोते हो ?
19. दूध क्यों फट गया है ?
20. उसका क्या कसूर है ?
21. आप किस स्कूल से आये हो ?
22. वह कल क्यो नहीं आई ?
23. तुम कहाँ से आये हो ?
24. तुम्हे किसकी वजह से यह दिक्कत हुई ?
25. तुम्हारा जन्मदिन कब आता है ?
26. कहां जाना चाहिये ?
27. तुम ऐसा कैसे कर सकते हो ?
28. वह कब सोता है ?
29 वह कहाँ रहती है ?
30. कहाँ मिलोगे ?
31. यह दुकान कब खुलेगी ?
Translation from Hindi into English related with W-H Family –
1. Why is she weeping ?
2. Why did he lie ? /Why did he tell a lie ?
3. Where are you going ?
4. In which city does your brother live ?
5. What crime has he committed ?
6. How do the children go to school ?
7. Who has insulted him ?
8. How many people attended the party ?
9. Who is the Principal of your school ?
10. How much money do you have ?
11. How many students are there in your class ?
12. Where does this road lead to ?
13. Why did you conceal facts about you ?
14. In which bank do you have the account ?
15. What should I do to convince him ?
16. How many times have you seen this movie ?
17. In which month does your birthday fall ?
18. When do go to bed at night ?
19. Why has the milk turned sour ?
20. What is his fault ?
21. Which school have you come from ?
22.. Why didn’t she come yesterday ?
23. Where have you come from ?
24. What has caused you this difficulty ?
25. When does your birthday fall/ come ?
26. Where should I go ?
27. How can you do it ?
28. When does he sleep ?
29. Where does she live ?
30. Where will you meet ?
31. When will this shop open ?
Translation Practice Set 2 related with W-H Family ( From Hindi to English )
We shall add more sentences time to time.
Please provide sentences in Hindi and English with using may, might, might have, would, would have.