These days most of the youngsters wish to do Creative Writing. But they don’t know how and when to start. Their frequent queries are – How can I start Creative Writing ? or Please tell me the names of the institutes from where I can pursue Creative Writing Course. or How can I become a writer ? etc.
First of all, we wish to clear one thing here that there is no age of becoming a writer. If you have flair for writing you can start it in any phase of your life. There have been a great no of writers who had started their career in the autumn of their life. Even some had crossed 50.

Learn how to improve writing skills from here.
The answer of how is that if you have passion and strong means of expressions, you can start this venture. Now the Question is if you have passion for writing or you just wish to hold pen as the people in this field are earning more reputation and money.
If your answer is the first one, you are on the right track and but if you opt for the second one, you are on the wrong side of your choice.
WE must clear one point here that it is not an easy field to enter. It requires persistent efforts, untiring labor, unyielding zeal et al. Still the success is slippy. Start this career without thinking much about success and failure. Start writing if you have food ( Content ) for writing something and here the food is your thoughts.
Courses in Creative Writing – Name of the Colleges
Don’t think that the Success will come in a day. Always remember that Rome was not built in a day. All the great writers’ works were rejected and re-rejected and then their works were published due to their unending efforts. First of all know your forte, your taste, your genre. It may be poetry, novel or play.
And then start writing. Effective Writing requires solitude, food for thought, and consistent efforts. You also need technical knowledge. This required technical knowledge can be obtained by doing course in creative writing. The following institutes and universities offer courses in Creative Writing.
IGNOU ( Indira Gandhi National Open University )
Name of the course – Diploma in Creative Writing ( English / Hindi )
Official Website –
KSOU ( Karnataka State Open University )
Official Website –
Jamia Millia Islamia
Course – PG Diploma in Mass Media and Creative Writing ( Hindi )
Official Website –
Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning
Official Website –
UPRTOU ( Uttar Pradesh Rajarshi Tandon Open University ) –
Course – Diploma in Hindi
Official Website –